
Friday Prayers for Egypt: Mashrou3

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Some people have a project. Others like to project.

And some just like to sing. Judge between them, God. Their intentions and their cause.

An upscale district in Cairo invited a popular Lebanese band to a concert festival. The lead singer is well known as a homosexual.

Some in the crowd raised a rainbow flag in solidarity. Shared on social media, the firestorm began.

Talking heads and politicians continued the hubbub. Seven concertgoers were arrested, with investigations into the organizers. The band may yet be banned.

God, all praise to you for the gift of music. May your creation craft creatively in honorable imitation.

But some creation, yours and ours, deviate from the norm. Give wisdom, God, in what to do.

You esteem freedom, God, but not license. You create diversity, but not deformity.

Guide your creation in knowing where to draw the line.

For those on the wrong side of society’s norm, may they find mercy within judgment.

For those on the right, may they respond with the right. At times, the law. At others, grace.

For those who wish to erase and adjust, may they know well your will. If in one direction, give them compassion. If in the other, courage.

For all, may they know your love for all creation. Your love embraces, but also transforms. Bring all to your desired end.

You have the best of all projects, God. Creatively change us. Bring us to sing.


note: Mashrou3 is Arabic for “project” and is part of the name of the Lebanese band, Mashrou3 Laila.

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